
"The real test is not whether you avoid this failure, because you won't. It's whether you let it harden or shame you into inaction, or whether you learn from it; whether you choose to persevere."

-- Barack Obama

How Have You Handled 2020?

Nov 25, 2020

Everything that has happened this year is an eye-opener for us that life can change within a twinkle of an eye. However, it made me realize that tough times come to test our resilience, our mental...

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A Small Idea Can Transition into Something Big

Nov 24, 2020

There is power in being creative and innovative regardless of how small an idea might be. Over time, many innovators have realized that focusing on a series of small ideas has a measurable impact...

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How to Effectively Work From Home During Covid-19

Nov 18, 2020

I am curious, months have elapsed since the first case of Covid-19 was identified; how is working from home for you? I know it may have taken time for you to adapt to the new changes, but how do...

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Turn the Challenges You Face in Life into Green Lights

Nov 17, 2020

Sometimes, in life, we might have self-doubt and lack of confidence that may make us face challenges. However, we can create green lights, engineer them for our future by the choices we make. All...

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Prioritizing your priorities when everything is a priority

Nov 11, 2020

Having a to-do list and planning your projects is important. But how do you prioritize the tasks when everything seems like a priority? How do you tell that there are tasks that need more focus?...

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Why business owners need viable transition plans

Nov 10, 2020

As a business owner, you should ask yourself; why should I create a specific plan, and for what reason? How should I plan to take care of my family and employees over the long term? What is the...

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How Can You Achieve a Big Impact with Your Team?

Nov 03, 2020

We must accept that without teamwork we are likely not to achieve more in the workplace although it is an activity that many people tend to avoid. This is the reason why leaders should be at the...

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The WHY Behind Your Goals

Nov 03, 2020

The best goals start with WHY. Why am I doing this? What do I intend to achieve in the end? At the beginning of the year, we all had goals and targets, but you find that a time comes and we have...

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Do Small Things in A Great Way

Oct 22, 2020

Martin Luther King Jr once said, "If I cannot do greater things, I can do small things in a great way." We can become successful by just indulging in smaller things. It does not matter how big your...

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Embrace vulnerability to accomplish all your life goals

Oct 13, 2020

Let us be all clear. Vulnerability is not a sign of weakness and can be our greatest strength. What do you usually associate with the term vulnerability? Is it fear, hurt or betrayal? According to...

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