Reflection is a necessary part of growth

Mar 16, 2021

The biggest question of all is what do you need to be reflecting on? Whatever you choose to reflect on is up to you. But I’d recommend you to reflect on your career, family, personal development, and health just to mention a few. 

I believe growth and success are closely related and it is impossible to grow without reflection or having thoughts about something. Reflection allows the brain to pause amidst the chaos, untangle and sort through observations and experiences and eventually create meaning.

Your ongoing growth and development will highly depend on reflection; reflection is key to learning and learning is key to growing. This means that if you are not making time for reflection then you are not making time for growth. But what does reflection look like? Well, you are the one to decide this.

When was the last time you took a moment to reflect on your life? Maybe it was at the end of December when you were getting ready to welcome the new year. We all love the little end of the year reflecting right? 

Other than that, there are certain times we don’t see the need to reflect on our lives right? The truth is, many of us, are always on the move that we do not create time or even slow down to listen to our thoughts. Plus, we do not frequently recognize the importance of self-reflection and the impact it can create on our lives. 

What if we create reflection as part of our everyday routine rather than a yearly thing?

There is no greater journey than the one you must take to discover all of the mysteries that lie within you.” Michelle Sandlin

Everyone stands to gain from any form of reflection. And there is a possibility of self-growth through personal reflection too. Imagine reflecting on your life every day, noting down your wins and losses, you will have the energy to keep going. 

We can’t grow from our experiences if we don’t understand them and make changes based on what we’ve learned. We aren’t able to predict outcomes or solve problems effectively if we don’t expand our understanding of our experiences.

We must reflect on both our successes and our failures. Reflection is not about dwelling on the negative things. Our positive experiences teach us what works well in specific situations and allow us to examine potential transference to other situations.


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