How optimistic are you in overcoming your challenges?

Jun 04, 2020

Challenges will always be part of us. They spice up our lives and make our lives interesting. I am saying this because almost every day we have to think of ways to maneuver through the challenges life throws at us. Just like spices, there are different types of challenges and all of them have their effects and different outcomes. However, the outcomes depend on how well we handle them. You may be having challenges that relate to work, finance, or health, but how you overcome them is what matters.  

 Amidst this pandemic, I must say that many people are experiencing financial challenges. Most people have lost jobs, the small hustles that used to bring in income are not doing so well because as a whole our economy is not doing well. However, there is no challenge that we cannot triumph upon; we just need to stay positive, have a clear and focused mind, and be creative. A good example is how people have become creative amidst this pandemic and everyone is selling whatever they get their hands upon as long as its legit. Most of our road bypasses and junctions have been turned into markets. Always let your challenges drive you to be creative on how to overcome them, but a positive attitude will go a long way.

Work challenges are experienced almost by all of us. Maybe it is because you find it hard to deliver your work on time, you don't get to work on time, and most especially during this pandemic you are losing your focus and track of your goals. Try and have a routine that will help you maintain your focus amidst all the panic and the stress you are going through because after all this is over, you will need a job. We have so much time in our hands and it can sometimes overwhelm us. Learn how to manage your time properly so that you can get the most out of it. 

Health is your wealth. Without your health, you are nothing. You cannot progress in life if you are not healthy; you will not work, take care of your family, or even achieve any of your life goals. Make your health your priority. Eat right, work out, and go for checkups. The way you treat your body will determine if you will be healthy or sick. Remember health is a crown only the sick people see on the healthy people.

We derive our joy from the hurdles we jump successfully every day of our lives. It is the ray of optimism that will help us overcome the challenges that we face in this journey to success. Whatever you feed your mind it creates, you feed it positive thoughts and imagination, be sure that is what you will portray outwardly. Positive thoughts help you overcome any challenges that come your way. Always hope that at the end of the tunnel, there shall be some light and you shall overcome!


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